Today’s Muslim prayer times for fajr are 4:44 am, dhuhr at 12:10 pm, asr at 4:31 pm, maghrib at 6:15 pm, and isha at 7:36 pm at most locations worldwide. However, this prayer time can also be changed at some locations so that you can get your nearby masjids’ prayer time accurately and easily at this website. To learn more about Muslim prayers, go through this article wisely.

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Muslim Prayer Times (Salah, Namaz, Or Azan Time)

The time and duration for all 5 Muslim prayers a day are mentioned below:

PrayersPrayer TimesPrayer Duration
Fajr04:44 AM01-1.5 hours
Dhuhr12:10 PM04-06 hours
Asr04:31 PM03-05 hours
Maghrib06:15 PM01-1.5 hours
Isha07:36 PM02-04 hours
Muslim Prayer Time Daily Schedule

Fajr Prayer Times

Today's fajr prayer time is 04:44 am, and it ends before sunrise. The fajr prayer, also known as the dawn prayer, consists of 4 rakats, including 2 sunnah and 2 fard, which can be done in 15 to 20 minutes. After the fajr prayer, the time for the fajr nafl prayer (consisting of 2 rakats) and qunut starts and ends in 2 to 3 hours. 

Dhuhr Prayer Times

Muslim prayer time for dhuhr prayer starts at 12:10 pm and ends in the middle of the zenith of noon and sunset. Dhuhr salah is also termed the midday prayer in the middle of the day. This prayer consists of 12 rakats, including 4 sunnah, 4 fardh, 2 sunnah, and 2 nafl. 

Asr Prayer Times

The Asr prayer, also known as the afternoon prayer, is offered at 04:31 pm. This prayer consists of 8 rakats, including 4 fardh and 4 sunnah, of which 4 sunnah are optional. The time for the ASR prayer is shorter than that of the other 4 prayers, as it has to be offered before sunset, or it turns orange.

Maghrib Prayer Times

At most locations, the time for Maghrib namaz is 06:15 pm. Maghrib prayer, or sunset prayer, starts when the sun sets and ends when the sky turns black. This prayer has 7 rakats, including 3 fardh, 2 sunnah, and 2 nafl, of which 2 nafl are optional.

Isha Prayer Times

The Isha prayer (also known as the night's prayer) is at 7:36 pm at most locations in Muslim countries. This prayer is also called the longest due to its 17 rakat and the great time to offer prayer before midnight. 17 rakat of isha namaz include 4 sunnah (optional), 4 fardh, 2 sunnah, 2 nafl (optional), 3 witr, and 2 nafl (optional).

Muslims Daily 5 Prayer Times

Muslim Prayer Rakats

Rakats for five fardh Muslim prayers are unique and must be remembered while offering prayer to avoid sins. Now, let's see the rakats for all the prayers a day in an organized section:


How To Do Wadu?

Muslims must do wudu before reciting the Quran, offering prayer, and doing multiple other precious tasks, so you must accurately know the rules and process for wadu. To perform wudu in an Islamic and efficient way, follow the below steps:

  • Initially, make your intention for wudu or perform good deeds like prayer.
  • Start with bismillah (Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim).
  • Wash your hands three times properly with clean water.
  • Now rinse your mouth three times so your mouth cleans properly.
  • Inhale water 3 times into your nose till the water approaches the nostrils and the nose is clean rightly.
  • Wash your face 3 times.
  • Blow water 3 times on your arms to the elbow to wash them properly so that no hair remains dry.
  • Now, do massah only once while reciting the second kalma in Islam or tashahhud.
  • Clean your ears once with your wet hands.
  • Wash your feet 3 times so the water reaches into your finger's gape.
  • Finally, your wudu is done, and the last step is to recite the shahada (Ash-had a la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan' abduhu wa results) with your right-hand first finger raising towards the sky.
  • All the wudu steps are done, and you are ready to perform salah.

How To Pray Salah?

Learning salah, namaz, or prayer is necessary for Muslims to fulfill their obligations correctly and without making mistakes. That's why here is the complete guide for performing salah during Muslim Prayer Times correctly. Let's see these steps wisely:

  • Make intention for the prayer and stand on prayer met with face towards the qibla.
  • Perform takbeer for the dedicated salah by saying, Allahu Akbar.
  • Recited surah Fatihah and other short surah.
  • Now, move to the ruku and say subhana rabbiyal azeem.
  • Stand again and then perform the sujud by saying subhana rabbiyal Ala.
  • Complete your prayer in the same manner and do Islam after tashahud.
  • After completing your salah, make a dua and recite darood pak.

Rules For Prayer In Islam

There are some rules that Muslims should follow when offering prayer, and every Muslim should be aware of these rules. If you want to learn the rules and conditions for prayer, then go through the given steps:

  • Before starting prayer, you should be aware of the prayer methods and have learned important surah or ayats.
  • You should be neat and clean in the prayer place.
  • You must have to pray on time.
  • Always listen to Azan carefully and answer faithfully. 
  • Do tahara correctly to remove all the najas from you.
  • Your face should go towards the qiblah and perform salah with full intention.
  • Don't speak while praying, pray slowly with patience, and don't recite loudly.
  • Your body should be covered properly.

Benefits Of Prayer In Islam

There are multiple benefits of praying salah during Muslim Prayer Times, and each prayer is unique in its advantages and rewards, so reciting five prayers a day during Muslim prayer times is necessary. Now, move towards the benefits of the Muslim prayers:

  • Fajr prayer is beneficial for the glow on your face.
  • Dhuhar prayer is best for an increase in income.
  • Asr prayer helps strengthen your body.
  • Maghrib prayer helps parents benefit from their children by making their children obedient and kind.
  • Isha's prayer brings peace to the person's sleep.

Sunni VS Wahabi

Sunni and Wahabi are two famous branches of Islam that believe in their sect intentionally. Sunni or Ahl e Sunnah is the Islamic branch that believes in the sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad SWT, and Wahabi believes in Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab's sunnah. The praying methods for both Sunni and Wahabi are different, but the prayer and adhan times are the same. 

Final Words

The Muslim Prayer Times website is a great source for finding accurate prayer times for your country, city, and area. Here, you will also find the prayer time online for all the days, months, and Islamic events easily, so save this site's URL for the next prayer time. One thing about the Muslim prayer times is that it provides the latest data and time for all the prayers.


Salah is an obligatory act of worship for Muslims, and this act makes Muslims superior to other religions.

Muslims daily offer five prayers (fajr, dhuhr, asr, maghrib, and isha).

Additions of prayers other than the five obligatory ones include the jummah prayer, eid prayer, tahajjud prayer, Taraweeh prayer, and Janazah prayer.

Yes, Muslim prayer times change frequently with the change in seasons, so it is necessary to keep yourself updated with the latest prayer times.

Yes, you can offer the qada prayer if you have not done so in time for some major reasons.

You can search for your location prayer time on the Muslim Prayer Times website and get quick and accurate results.